Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Being a mom is hard work. Physically, mentally and emotionally draining and challenging. But there are many good things as well. In honor of Mother’s Day on Sunday, I’m focusing on some of the blessings.

Thirteen Things I have truly enjoyed so far in my time of being a mom to my two little boys.

1. Seeing both of them for the first time during the ultrasounds, hearing their heartbeats, and feeling them move.

2. Of course all the milestones...first smiles, rolling over, sitting up, first steps, first words, etc.

3. Giggles and hugs, and hearing "I love you Mommy"

4. Seeing the sense of pride Brendan gets when he figures something new out on his own

5. Watching Adam do his little dance every time he hears music, it makes me smile and laugh every time.

6. Taking them on little trips to experience fun things...the cave, camping at the river, zoo, vacations, etc. Brendan still talks about all of them months (and years for a few of them) later, he will bring them up out of the blue and say, "Mommy, remember when we went..." "That was fun! Can we go again?" I love it that these fun family times have left an impression on him.

7. Being able to bring joy and happiness to them by doing simple things such as a hug, a smile, reading a book, playing a game, and just spending time with them.

8. Going to the movies. Yes it’s true, I love to go to the movie theater, even if it’s to see kids’ movies, so I’m delighted that Brendan loves it too. Sometimes I take a few hours off work and pick him up early to take him to see the latest kid movie.

9. Last year as part of his birthday gift, I took Brendan to see "Dragon Tales Live!". It was the cutest show with neat light effects, and Brendan and I had a great time together. I truly did enjoy it, and it was awesome to see Brendan have such a good time.

10. Watching them interact and play with each other. Brendan can sometimes get Adam laughing so hard that it makes me laugh and pretty soon none of us can stop laughing.

11. The look on Adam’s face when I go in to get him up in the morning or when I pick him up from the babysitter after work...his face lights up when he sees me and he rushes to me. And likewise when I pick Brendan up from preschool and he says "Mommy!!!" and runs up to me to give me a hug. It’s so nice to feel wanted and loved :)

12. Works of art created especially for me ;)

13. Seeing, enjoying, and participating in parts of life that I never would have known about if I didn’t have any kids.

If you participate in Thursday Thirteen, please add yourself to the linky below and leave a comment. Thanks to Uisce for the linky and Emily for the TT banner at the top.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


Carmen said...

I think the hugs would be the best part. It is with my mom, anyway.

Unknown said...

What a WONDERFUL T 13 this week!!! Stupendous.

My T 13 celebration post is published

Geggie said...

So darn cute! What blessings you have!

Emily said...

Aww, being a mom rocks, doesn't it!

(PS. Umm...thats one of the banners I made...LOL....but I'm glad you like it!)

Allison said...

Awww! I found you through Emily's blog. What a WONDERFUL TT! I totally agree with everything you said. [happy sigh]

MaR said...

Wonderful. Happy mom's day to you! :)

Uisce said...

I laughed when I read about them playing together... my kids rarely do without someone getting hurt in one way or another... but my dogs play nice together! :)

Undercover Angel said...

Being a mom is great - especially the hugs. My TT is up.

Amanda said...

A happy Mother's Day to you. You are very luck!

My 13 are up.

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

I'm so glad that you have so many happy memories with your kiddos. I know they are precious and have been a wonderful blessing and addition to your life.

Happy Thursday!

Joan said...

At my stage in life, I would add that one of the greatest satisfactions of motherhood is seeing your children as successful, respected adults contributing to society in a positive way. My son is a principal and my daughter is a teacher. It is satisfying to see them in their own environments and see the respect they have earned in their communities. It is also great to see them as parents.

Unknown said...

Oh I agree, my Justice is just the most amazing and joyful little boy and I just thank God so much for him. All his first are just so incredible. He waved bye-bye and said it today for the first time. It melted my heart. On this mother's day, my first as a mom, will be so special. Happy Mom's day to you. My list is up.

lisa said...

Great list.. thanks for the reminders. I'm happily weepy now. Dragon Tales was great - my Daughter and I went on a date too

Happy Thursday


Georgia Girl said...

Thank you for this. Today has been busy with a teething child. I am a stay at home and admire the fact that you work outside the home and work at home also.
The little dance that my son does is priceless to watch.

Katherine said...

You are a great Mom!
Happy Mothers Day!!!!

YellowRose said...

You are very blessed!!

Happy Thursday, my TT is up!

Katherine said...

Happy Mother's Day! I was always so happy when my mom acted so thrilled to get my "masterpieces". Poor mom.

Susan said...

that is SO SWEET!! I have four boys and I LOVE being a Mom of boys!! My oldest is graduating HS in a week. It's amazing how time flies. My TT is up.

Joan said...

believe it or not -- mommyhood only gets better (not less stessful, just stressful in a different way) as time goes on. It is such a satisfaction to see your grown children as successful, productive adults.

Thanks for coming by my blog this week.