Catching back up a little here...on Feb 1st Brendan had the Blue & Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts, where he was awarded his Tiger Cub badge and some beads for his electives.
He's also been having basketball games every Saturday morning, basketball practice every Monday night, Tae Kwon Do on Tuesdays & Thursdays, and Cub Scout den meetings twice per month.
On Thursday evening we had a parent-teacher conference. He's been acting up again. He's in this phase where he is just really silly. He likes to act silly and try to make his friends laugh. It is becoming a problem at school because he doesn't know when to quit. He's been disruptive and while he's acting silly he is not listening to directions or learning what he needs to. She said that right now he is ahead of the others anyway, and can do the work without hearing/learning how, but she's concerned that if he continues this, then eventually it is going to affect his learning. The gym teacher also came in, and she is worried about his safety and others in gym class. She said he is very disruptive and will do things like roll on the floor and other "silly" behavior. Last year the problem was that he wouldn't participate and would get upset if he couldn't do things just perfect, this year he is participating, just being disruptive. Maybe by 4th or 5th grade he will finally just participate, listen AND act correctly?!
Anyway, on to the kitties. They are growing, that's for sure! Here's the latest picture of them napping on the couch together...almost looks like a heart shape, awwww how cute...
If you've been reading the last couple "Tackle it Tuesday" posts below, you know what else I've been up and organizing the boys' room! (see pics in previous 2 posts of progress).
And guess what we're doing tonight?! We're actually going on a DATE! It's been awhile. One of Joe's co-workers offered to watch the boys for us so that we could go out. The boys are SO excited, they love having babysitters (and it doesn't happen very often). And we are excited to have a few hours out. THANK YOU