Monday, February 25, 2008

Weekend Movie, Dancing and Snow

We had a pretty good weekend. On Friday night I went to see Definitely, Maybe with a friend from the moms' group, Lisa. It was our monthly Mom's Night Out, but only Lisa and I made it this month. The movie was cute.

Saturday we went to a wedding & reception for one of Joe's co-workers. We brought the boys to both, which was risky, but turned out okay. They were not perfectly behaved, but they could have been a lot worse. The boys had fun dancing...

And they liked to literally spin Mommy around on the dance floor too, haha...

The little girl in the picture above tried to dance with Adam a couple times, (Adam is behind me so you can't see him in this pic) but he was totally oblivious (or maybe he was just ignoring her, who knows. lol)

Brendan was quite the little dancing machine. He danced to a lot of songs, and was doing all sorts of footwork stuff that I've never seen him do before. At home he is really silly and does this little "butt dance" thing, and a song came on that would have been perfect for his butt dance, but he wouldn't do it. I can't get him to stop doing it at home, but at the reception he wouldn't even do it once. Go figure.

Sunday morning we woke up to a little more snow! The boys (with daddy's help) made a cute little snowman shortly before the snow melted...

And that, in a nutshell, was our weekend.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Our Newest Nephew!

Our new little nephew was born last night (well, officially I guess this morning) at 3 minutes after midnight. He almost made it as a Valentine's baby, but just a few minutes too late. They named him William Aloysius, and he was 8 lbs 10 oz. After nearly 2 hours of pushing with no success, they tried the vacuum, but no luck, so she ended up having a c-section. We were there at the hospital from 7:45pm until 1:45am, but we did finally get to see our new little nephew. Our boys were excited waiting to see their new cousin, but they didn't quite make it...they fell asleep in the waiting room before he was born. We thought she might go faster than that since this is her 3rd kid (she also has a 15 yr old boy and an 11 yr old boy) and she went fast with the first two, so we were afraid to leave to take the boys to my dad's house nearby (and we live 2 hours away, so there was no way to take the boys home to our house). We did eventually go to my dad's house to sleep for a few hours after it was all over, and then drove back home this morning.

Here's the pic I took of our new nephew around 1:00am this morning, when he was almost an hour old...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine Glitter Graphics

Happy Valentines Day to you all!

We actually had our Valentine's celebration last night, since today is a busy day and evening. Joe stopped by my office yesterday afternoon with some of THIS yumminess, and these tulilps...

Then, thanks to Deanna watching our kids for us, we were able to go out for a little while. We started at our favorite place for hot wings and beer, and got there in time for the happy hour specials (bonus!). And then we went to a movie. I was kinda wanting to see Untraceable, (I like thriller/on-the-edge-of-your-seat type movies), but we were a little too late for it, and Joe had heard that Juno was good, so we saw that instead. I was leary of it, I thought it was going to be too much of a "teen movie", but it wasn't. I was pleasantly surprised. We had a nice time, and a much needed little break. THANKS AGAIN DEANNA!

Today both boys have their Valentine parties at school. Then, as soon as we get home we are booking it to the hospital (about 2 hours away) to see our new niece or nephew! Yes, they are having that baby TODAY!!!! A Valentine baby :) I'm so excited for them, and I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl and see him/her.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day today!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What We've Been Up To

Catching back up a little here...on Feb 1st Brendan had the Blue & Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts, where he was awarded his Tiger Cub badge and some beads for his electives.

He's also been having basketball games every Saturday morning, basketball practice every Monday night, Tae Kwon Do on Tuesdays & Thursdays, and Cub Scout den meetings twice per month.

On Thursday evening we had a parent-teacher conference. He's been acting up again. He's in this phase where he is just really silly. He likes to act silly and try to make his friends laugh. It is becoming a problem at school because he doesn't know when to quit. He's been disruptive and while he's acting silly he is not listening to directions or learning what he needs to. She said that right now he is ahead of the others anyway, and can do the work without hearing/learning how, but she's concerned that if he continues this, then eventually it is going to affect his learning. The gym teacher also came in, and she is worried about his safety and others in gym class. She said he is very disruptive and will do things like roll on the floor and other "silly" behavior. Last year the problem was that he wouldn't participate and would get upset if he couldn't do things just perfect, this year he is participating, just being disruptive. Maybe by 4th or 5th grade he will finally just participate, listen AND act correctly?!

Anyway, on to the kitties. They are growing, that's for sure! Here's the latest picture of them napping on the couch together...almost looks like a heart shape, awwww how cute...

If you've been reading the last couple "Tackle it Tuesday" posts below, you know what else I've been up and organizing the boys' room! (see pics in previous 2 posts of progress).

And guess what we're doing tonight?! We're actually going on a DATE! It's been awhile. One of Joe's co-workers offered to watch the boys for us so that we could go out. The boys are SO excited, they love having babysitters (and it doesn't happen very often). And we are excited to have a few hours out. THANK YOU DEANNA!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday: Putting in Bunk Beds!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Wow, I guess I didn't post all week, because here it is Tackle it Tuesday again already! lol

This week our "tackle" was getting the boys' beds out, and putting in bunk beds! A friend of mine from the local moms group told me her mom was getting rid of some bunk beds that her little brother had had, and she gave them to us! (Thank you Kathleen!!!!)

Bunk beds just make so much sense for their room because it is small and they share a room, and floor space is severely lacking as it is. And the boys LOVE having bunk beds!

This was "before" with the 2 beds in there. (Minus the comforters, they had animal print comforter that I had already thrown in the wash before I took the pic)...

Then under both beds was a TON of stuff! Ugh! Toys and junk everywhere that the boys and I cleaned up before the bunk beds could go in...

Now the "after" with the bunk beds! I still need to get some new sheets and comforters for them though, so this isn't really the finished product. We are turning the room into dinosaur theme now. (It was a jungle theme).

The boys LOVE their new bunk beds!!!...

Monday, February 04, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday: The Boys' Closet

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

(I'm posting this on Monday night because I don't know if I'll have access
to the internet tomorrow.)

Still waiting on hubby to do some things before the basement progress can continue, so this week's tackle was the boys' closet. As embarrassing as the "before" pics are, I must admit it actually even looked worse in person! Ugh! Anyway, I completely emptied it and now it is the most organized area in the whole house.


And now AFTER...

One step closer to getting the whole house organized in 2008!