If you can't tell, our weekend didn't exactly have majestic relaxing qualities that I had hoped for. LOL
Six Flags on Friday was fun...hot, but fun. We actually weren't there all that long, maybe 3-4 hours. We rode the Scooby Doo ride first, there was a big line but we were afraid it would only get longer, and Brendan loves to watch Scooby Doo, so we thought he'd love it. We got in line and the sign said it was a 30min wait from there. An hour later we finally made it on the ride. About 45 minutes into the line Brendan decided he was scared and didn't want to ride. I'm thinking "we've waited this long in the beating down hot sun, you're gonna ride!". lol Luckily after a few minutes of him saying he was scared, the boy behind us told Brendan that he had been on it before and it wasn't scary. That helped. Then we rode a few other rides, had a pretzel & beer break for Mommy and Daddy, let the kids play in the play area, rode the huge ferris wheel, took a couple pics with Sylvester and Scooby Doo and then Brendan wanted to leave.
So, we headed down to the river for the camping part of our trip. It was so dang hot and humid, I had sweat pouring all weekend. Overall it was fun, but there were definitely many frustrating times. And the campground was very crowded. We ended up in the middle of several big groups, and one in particular was obnoxious! They were so loud, and partied until at least 3:30am. They were across from us, and the river was behind us, so they had to walk through our campsite to get to the river. And they did all night long, dragging their coolers, making lots of noise, splashing in the river and yelling in the middle of the night. They would once in awhile give a really loud yell and it set off a car alarm (which they then cheered loudly). I laid there awake until 3:30am. Joe was awake most of that time, but then he fell asleep and I had to listen to him snoring too on top of everything else. lol Then our boys were awake by 6am.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for hanging out around the fire drinking and such with friends, we've done it many times, but this group was beyond obnoxious and didn't even pretend to care that anyone else was there but them. And, this particular campground calls itself a "family resort" and has a "strict" quiet policy and signs posted saying to please be extremely quiet after 11pm.
The next day was fun playing in the river though. We have a 2-person raft that we put the boys in and we pulled them upstream, floated down, swam, splashed, and watched (laughed at) all the hilarious drunk people who couldn't manuever their canoes right, and were tipping over and running into each other. heehee. Oh, and then there was the large guy who decided to just lay on his back and roll down the shallow stretch of the river...yes, a log roll on the rocks in the water like he was a 4 year old rolling down a grassy hill...only he was more like a 44 year old and rolling big belly and all on rocks. I'm guessing he was feeling that one the next day! LOL
We also went by Johnson's Shut Ins, to see what it looks like now, after the dam break and all. Last time we were there was right before it happened (we were there in Sept '05 and the dam broke in Dec '05). I was really impressed with their clean-up efforts! We could tell the park looked different, and there are a lot less shut-ins, and the deep swimming area where people used to jump off the cliffs is no longer water, but a big pile of gravel, but they did have it open and you could get in the shut-ins that were left. They have a display of photos in the office with before and after pics of all the destruction and mess. They still have a big part of the park fenced off with restricted and caution signs and such, but the parts they have cleaned up look great.
Here are a few pics I took while we were there:I took all the pics of playing in the river with a disposable waterproof camera, so I don't have those to share yet.
All in all it was a fairly good weekend, but we've decided it will be a long time before we take the boys tent camping again. Or, at least we will not go on the weekend. A cabin seems to be the better choice until Adam is older.
So now we're back...tired, and sunburnt. It's one of those weekends where you need a weekend to recover from the weekend.