Friday, April 21, 2006

Catching up to Where I Was Yesterday...Every Day!

Do you ever feel like you're living the same day over and over? I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything new lately. Every evening I'm just catching back up to where I was the day is ridiculous! This thought hit me hard last night. After working all day I went to pick up Brendan at preschool, and then had to drive to pick up Adam at his babysitter's too since Joe was working. Come home, listen to fussy/tired/hungry kiddos while I try to figure out what to give them for dinner, make dinner, eat, change diaper, wash up boys, get Adam changed into his jammies, bottle and bed. Then empty dishwasher, reload, change over laundry, pick up after everyone, fold laundry, get Brendan washed up, in jammies, ready for bed, Joe gets home and plops on couch to watch tv. Then I put Brendan to bed, and go back to reloading dishwasher that I got interrupted doing earlier, fold more laundry. By now it is after 10pm and I finally have enough done that I can work on scrapbook pages for the Scrapping Survivor Challenge, go downstairs, stare at blank scrapbook page, have no clue what I can scrap using the current challenge, I'm so tired I can't think or see straight, so I go back upstairs with a huge headache. It's too late to start anything, have to get up early for work. Go to bed.

This has been my evening over and over again for weeks now. I can't seem to get ahead on anything...I'm constantly just redoing and catching back up to where I was the day before. *sigh* Tonight I HAVE to do some pages, I hope I can stay awake! I think that every night, and so far it hasn't happened. (Melissa and Carolyn you did not just hear me say that I haven't done any pages yet the day before the deadline! LOL)

Seriously though, I have to figure something out (not just for scrapbooking but in general). Life cannot just always be at a standstill doing nothing but getting back to where I was yesterday.


Melzie said...

I think it links back to your post a couple weeks ago... where things just are... "needing" something. Where, if possible, you could afford to take time off for a week- and fix the house up normally and be able to stay ahead. This is when being a working mom is super hard- because you still have to do all that a SAHM does- but you work and need that paycheck as well... :( I have nothing that I can offer for help... I wish I could afford to quit working- but too many medical bills.. so we do what we can, and pray for a nice "blip" in the world that allows us to catch up once a year. *HUGS*

Oh-- you aren't the only one who hasn't done pages-- there are a couple. :) No worries!


You bet it is. The everyday routine is really boring.

Carolyn F said...

Don't feel alone LOL!

Holly said...

Ugh, I hear ya sister! You pretty much summed up the end of my day every day...