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Thirteen things on Courtney's agenda for the next couple weeks
1. Brendan’s Preschool Graduation
2. Play the role of a single-mom for 3-1/2 days while Joe goes to his brother’s bachelor party fishing weekend.
3. Take the boys to a farm where they have all sorts of animals and shows and such
4. Possibly go to the comedy club with co-workers if I can find a babysitter
5. Take the boys to my nephew’s birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese
6. Hair appointment
7. Go to the Bachelorette party for Joe’s brother’s fiancĂ©
8. Go to my sister’s scrapbooking crop
9. Find something to wear to rehearsal dinner.
10. Drive 2 hours to attend rehearsal dinner for Joe’s brother’s wedding (on a work night), and then drive 2 hours back.
11. Buy a dress to wear to the wedding.
12. Go to the wedding and try to keep the boys quiet and well-behaved during the ceremony! Yikes! (Joe is the best man, so he won’t be able to help me)
13. Eat, drink and dance at the reception! Can’t wait for that part!
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We'll also be stopping on the way in to say hi to a friend of mine from high school (we'll be going right by where she lives on our way). One little problem...Joe is home sick today! Ugh! He *has* to be better by tomorrow morning, he just has to be. We cannot cancel this trip, Brendan has been looking so forward to it and it's finally here. If Joe is too sick to go, I'm taking Brendan by myself. I really don't want to do that, but I will if that's the only way. But hopefully Joe will be fine, and all will go as originally planned.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
Being a mom is hard work. Physically, mentally and emotionally draining and challenging. But there are many good things as well. In honor of Mother’s Day on Sunday, I’m focusing on some of the blessings.
Thirteen Things I have truly enjoyed so far in my time of being a mom to my two little boys.
1. Seeing both of them for the first time during the ultrasounds, hearing their heartbeats, and feeling them move.
2. Of course all the milestones...first smiles, rolling over, sitting up, first steps, first words, etc.
3. Giggles and hugs, and hearing "I love you Mommy"
4. Seeing the sense of pride Brendan gets when he figures something new out on his own
5. Watching Adam do his little dance every time he hears music, it makes me smile and laugh every time.
6. Taking them on little trips to experience fun things...the cave, camping at the river, zoo, vacations, etc. Brendan still talks about all of them months (and years for a few of them) later, he will bring them up out of the blue and say, "Mommy, remember when we went..." "That was fun! Can we go again?" I love it that these fun family times have left an impression on him.
7. Being able to bring joy and happiness to them by doing simple things such as a hug, a smile, reading a book, playing a game, and just spending time with them.
8. Going to the movies. Yes it’s true, I love to go to the movie theater, even if it’s to see kids’ movies, so I’m delighted that Brendan loves it too. Sometimes I take a few hours off work and pick him up early to take him to see the latest kid movie.
9. Last year as part of his birthday gift, I took Brendan to see "Dragon Tales Live!". It was the cutest show with neat light effects, and Brendan and I had a great time together. I truly did enjoy it, and it was awesome to see Brendan have such a good time.
10. Watching them interact and play with each other. Brendan can sometimes get Adam laughing so hard that it makes me laugh and pretty soon none of us can stop laughing.
11. The look on Adam’s face when I go in to get him up in the morning or when I pick him up from the babysitter after work...his face lights up when he sees me and he rushes to me. And likewise when I pick Brendan up from preschool and he says "Mommy!!!" and runs up to me to give me a hug. It’s so nice to feel wanted and loved :)
12. Works of art created especially for me ;)
13. Seeing, enjoying, and participating in parts of life that I never would have known about if I didn’t have any kids.
This weekend I will be participating in the MS Walk. My mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis several years ago. For most of those years she has had a mild case and not too many symptoms. Unfortunately her symptoms have worsened more rapidly over the last two years. Every year I (along with my sister, cousin, and aunt) walk in the MS Walk to help raise money for a cure.
So this week I'm gonna stray from the things about myself, and do 13 things about Multiple Sclerosis and my mom.
1. Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, unpredictable neurological disease that affects the central nervous system. MS is not contagious and is not directly inherited.
There is no cure for MS yet, but drugs can help slow the course and/or symptoms in some patients.
2. While the exact cause of MS is unknown, most researchers believe that the damage to myelin results from an abnormal response by the body’s immune system. It is believed that MS is an autoimmune disease. In the case of MS, myelin is attacked.
3. Scientists do not yet know what triggers the immune system to do this. Most agree that several factors are involved, including: Genetics, Gender and Environmental Triggers [viruses, trauma, and heavy metals (toxicology)]
4. Common Symptoms:
Bladder Dysfunction
Bowel Dysfunction
Cognitive Function
Dizziness and Vertigo
Depression and other Emotional Changes
Fatigue (also called MS lassitude)
Difficulty in Walking and/or Balance or Coordination Problems
Abnormal sensations such as Numbness or ""pins and needles""
Sexual Dysfunction
Vision Problems
5. Approximately 400,000 Americans acknowledge having MS, and every week about 200 people are diagnosed. Worldwide, MS may affect 2.5 million individuals. A few famous people who have MS include Annette Funicello, Richard Pryor, Clay Walker, and Montel Williams (just to name a few of the very many!)
6. My mom found out she had MS when she went to the doctor for a minor eye irritation that wouldn't go away. She thought it was something minor wrong with her eye, only to find out after numerous tests that she had Multiple Sclerosis! Needless to say, this was an unexpected finding!
7. For many years she was very lucky to only have very minor symptoms.
8. The last couple years the symptoms have become noticeably worse.
9. A couple months ago she had knee replacement surgery. This has caused an exacerbation of her MS.
10. She has fallen a few times recently, and other symptoms have gotten worse. It got so bad 2 weeks ago that she couldn't take more than 2 steps at a time.
11. She had to go in all last week for IV Steroids in an attempt to slow or stop the exacerbation. She felt much better and could walk all over the place again after this. We hope that continues, but who knows what will happen now that she is off the IV steroids.
12. It is very hard to watch your mother (who is still young- in her 50's) deteriorate before your eyes. I try not to think about what *could* happen, and just focus on being thankful that it isn't any worse than it is. It's so hard to know what to do, I feel helpless as to how to help her. That is why I do the MS Walk each year. It is the only way I can help. Every dollar raised is another step towards a cure. (I also wear the MS Band of Hope every day to show my support)
13. For more information and facts, and ways you can help end the devastating effects of MS, visit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society . (Or if you'd like to sponsor me for the MS Walk, email me for the direct link to my personal page)
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