Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sick :(
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I Survived

At one point, Brendan was upset that he wasn't playing so well, and Adam saw that he was upset and went over to him and gave him a hug. It was so sweet. I'm so glad I was behind them with the camera handy!

Later that day Brendan had a scout event, a rocket derby of some sort. I thought this was going to be outside, but I was wrong (thank goodness!). They had given us the rocket a few weeks ago. We thought it was just a little kit to put together real quick, we hadn't even opened the box. Come to find out it was just a block of wood and we were supposed to sand in down into the shape of a rocket and put the propeller and wings on, paint it, etc. Whoops! So, while others had been working on theirs for a long time, we started the night before. Joe got it sanded down into the right shape. And Brendan painted it...about an hour before he had to be there! Talk about last minute. It still looked fine though, and he got 2nd place in his heat.

We're still busy packing and moving our offices and such. The guys that have been helping us move the big stuff have been awesome. We are so thankful to have their help. It's also been fun having them around. We should be completely moved by the end of next week. Then the unpacking and trying to work out all the kinks of being in a new location begins.
I'm not complaining though, my office will now be only a block from where Adam goes to preschool. A BLOCK! I can walk there if I want. And the park that Brendan goes to day camp at over the summer is ACROSS THE STREET from my new office location. So this summer both boys will be within close walking distance to my office. Doesn't get any more convenient than that! And lucky Joe, he won't have to take or pick up either boy anymore.
More later on basement progress and such...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
X-Box at 4:50am
I still haven't had a chance to break out my new Dance, Dance Revolution & dance pad for the X-Box yet. I'm hoping this will be a fun way to get some more exercise in. Bet you didn't know I was a dancer, huh? I'm not, not really. I did use to dance on the poms squad in high school, and I even tried out for and made an All-Star Dance Team and performed at half-time of one of the bowl games, but that was about 15 years ago. I've done little or no dancing since then, except for when I've had a lot to drink at wedding receptions and such. lol So, it should be interesting to see if I can even begin to keep up.
Speaking of drinking, lol, I actually got to kinda go out last Friday night. We met for drinks for a co-worker's retirement, and a lot of our department showed up. A few of us stayed for quite awhile, and ended up going over to another local place that is kind-of like Hooters, only not as classy. lol We had more drinks there and hung out. It was fun. I almost never get to do things like this anymore, it was a nice little break from the usual evening routine of dishes, laundry, making dinner, getting the boys ready for bed, cleaning up after the boys and hubby, etc. And I got to know a few co-workers better, so that's kinda nice too.
Tonight is a crazy night, have to be 3 different places at once, still haven't quite figured out how exactly to pull that off, but I'm working on it. Saturday is a crazy one too, basketball game, scouts event, and temps are supposed to be in the low teens. Did I mention the scout event is OUTSIDE and goes for 3 HOURS?! Ugh!
But oh how I'm looking forward to Monday. I am off work. Joe is off work. Brendan has school (snow make up day) and Adam has preschool. WOOHOO!!! This means several hours with no children at home that we can actually get some things done! I am super excited about this.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tackling, Basketball, and More
So far this week Brendan had basketball practice Monday night, and then Tae Kwon Do Tuesday night. His team's first basketball game is this Saturday! I can't wait to see him play. They will be so cute, I'm sure. We also have a scout event (rocket derby) the same day.
Things are pretty busy at work and at home right now, so I don't know how much I'll be able to get around to blogs and update my own. Once mid-Feb gets here I'm hoping things will slow down a little.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Menu Plan Monday
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Rainy Thursday Blahs
Tonight Brendan has Tae Kwon Do, so I won't get much if anything done at home tonight. Friday we're meeting for drinks after work with a guy that is retiring from our department, that will be nice, I almost never get to do stuff like that anymore. After that I'll go home and have pizza and movie with the family (our Friday night tradition). I believe Nanny McPhee is the kid movie on it's way to us this week (we do the thing). I really didn't want to see this movie, and was not planning to put it in our Queue, but then I heard from so many other moms that their kids loved it. I decided maybe the boys would like it too, so I added it. I really have no desire to see it though. lol
Sunday I'm going to my sister's January Jumpstart scrapbooking crop. I really don't have anything ready for that, haven't even looked at my stuff for a few months.
Just feeling kinda blah today. There's so much that needs to be done around the house, and things I'd like to improve on, and so little time. We're also in the process of packing stuff up at work, as our offices are moving at the end of the month. When I'm at home I think about everything that needs to be done at work. When I'm at work I think about everything that needs to be done at home. lol It's so cold and rainy today, I just want to wrap up in a big fuzzy warm blanket and take a nap. Don't think my boss would allow that though. lol
Off to get more done...
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Tackle it Tuesday: Basement Update

We eventually got it all cleared out...

And then I painted the walls to try to brighten things up. We're not really finishing this part with drywall or anything, but I wanted it to be something other than just grey concrete basement walls. So, I painted it yellow. Doesn't look all that good, there are many indents/pocks in the concrete, so it is not a smooth finish, but at least it is brighter.
I bought some of those foam square floor mats that fit together and put that down on the floor. Then we moved some of our exercise equipment in last night. There will be a wall on one side that's not there yet, because we'll be building the laundry room next to it. So, I can't really finish covering the floor yet, and we haven't moved our treadmill in this area yet, but at least we are well on our way to getting this corner of the basement organized. Yea!

Friday, January 04, 2008
Getting Organized in 2008
I'm not setting any strict time table for these, nor am I setting specific things that will be done, I'm just going to be focused on taking things a little at a time. Just so long as things are better at the end of the year than they started, that will be success in my mind.
First thing is the basement and getting it prepared for the remodel. We made pretty good progress on New Year's Day considering the limited time we've had. We got a double set of shelving moved out of the basement to the garage, and another double set (these are huge wood shelving sets that were packed full with all sorts of miscellaneous junk collected over the years) emptied and moved to another part of the basement and re-loaded with tubs of our camping stuff (all together and neat, not strung all over the basement in various places where we never know where things are like they were). We also emptied a third set of double shelving that was built in the middle of the room and we tore that shelving apart and removed it completely (since a wall will need to go there when we make the laundry room). We went through a LOT of boxes of stuff we haven't even looked at in years, and we threw out a lot of stuff, set stuff aside to freecycle, and organized the things we did want to keep into plastic tubs & bins and everything will be put with like items grouped together on the shelving like they should have been in the first place.
We have a very long way to go, but it's a start at least. I am going to be keep track of our progress on things throughout the year here on my blog. I think that will help keep me motivated to keep going, even if things seem to go slow. I have to keep enough motivation to not only keep myself going, but to keep lighting that fire under Joe to get busy too. That's the difficult part. He would put all of this off another 5 years if I'd let him. lol
So, if you're interested in watching our progress on all sorts of organization, keep checking back for updates :) I'll even have embarrassing "before" pictures- ugh!
So, what are your goals for 2008?
2007 Goal Results
1) To lose 15-20 lbs and eat healthier in general
YES!!! I lost 24 lbs between May and December.
2) Continue to declutter and organize the house
Ummm, this is a forever on-going thing that I still do not have a handle on.
3) Get our basement remodeling done & everything moved into the new rooms once they are built
NO! The garage is basically done, but we have yet to even start onthe basement remodel. *sigh* This will be on the 2008 list again.
4) Make menu planning a habit (and other FLYlady routines too)
Sorta, I am better about menu planning than I was, but still go through phases of not doing it.
5) Find a church and start attending
No, can't say this happened :(
6) Scrapbooking goal: finish the 2006 album, and try to keep up with2007 as it happens.
YES!! I did finish the 2006 album, and I did stay fairly caught upwith 2007, sorta, I think I'm on fall 2007 now.
7) Think of something really fun to do for my b-day in March, since hubby decided to cancel our Texas trip that we were going to take that week!
KINDA did this, we ended up taking the boys to Silver Dollar City inBranson for part of that week.
So, I didn't do too bad with 2007 goals. Now on to 2008. This year my focus is going to be on all kinds of ORGANIZATION!!! I will post more details later.