Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!


Well, here it is 2006! Last night I worked at the First Night event in the children's area. Luckily the children's area closes down at 10pm, so after cleaning up and driving home, I made it in time to be at home when midnight came. (Only about 25 minutes to spare, but I *did* make it). The boys were already in bed. We didn't really do anything, except watch the countdown on tv and have a glass of champagne. We were both so exhausted we went to bed about 15 minutes later. Today Joe is working, so it's just me and the little ones hanging out at home today. (They are watching Veggie Tales right now, so I actually was able to sneak in a few minutes on the computer!)

Here's hoping for a happy, healthy 2006 for all!

1 comment:

Carolyn F said...

Happy New Year -- First Night is a great program!